Table IV. Superstructure operating speeds.
Engine speed
Traverse time
(entire range) seconds
Elevation cylinder
1. Elevate
2000 - 2500
10 to 21
2. Depress
2000 - 2500
10 to 21
Roll cylinder
1. Full right to full left
2000 - 2500
15 to 21
2. Full left to full right
2000 - 2500
15 to 21
Azimuth cylinder
1. Rotate from full right to
1500 - 2000
4 to 12
full left
2. Rotate from full left to
1500 - 2000
4 to 12
full right
Extension cylinder
1. Extend (loader indexed
3000 - 3200
15 to 30 1/
to pallet on ground)
2. Retract (loader indexed
3000 - 3200
15 to 35 1/
to pallet on ground)
1/ Entire range includes reduced pressure travel of missiles on pallet. Superstructure alignment. With the index boom properly indexed to the pallet or
launcher, the loader hoisting beam latches shall be in proper alignment with the applicable missile
latching points (see Superstructure settling. With 3 missiles on the loader, elevation and extension
cylinder extended to any position within their respective ranges, elevation and extension valves in
neutral, and with the engine off, the superstructure shall not settle more than 1 in. (2.5 cm)
(measured vertically at missiles) in 1 minute (see Azimuth and roll control limitations. Azimuth and roll controls shall be operative
when the missile is more than 10 in. (25 cm) above the transport position, and shall be inoperative
when the missile is less than 2 in. (5 cm) above the transport position (see
3.4.9 Auxiliary equipment. The loader shall be compatible with the equipment specified
in 6.3 (see
4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are
classified as follows:
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